You want a lot. Think of ten things you actively want right now, from a manicure to a husband. It’s hard to acknowledge reasons why we don’t get things desired. Often it’s a lack of maturity or timing.

Unfulfilled wants often lead to jealousy and discontent. It takes energy to be upset.

James 4:2 says, “You do not have because you do not ask God.”

Use your energy to ask God for what you want and to do whatever work he’s given you right now. Ask boldly and clearly in your prayers. Confess that you are not getting everything right. Always end a prayer with “Lord, your will be done.”

God is like a good parent. He wants you to have everything, but will not give anything harmful. If you ask and trust that he will provide anything you want in due time, if it is for your greater good, it will be done. Then there’s no need for discontent. You can go on about life and focus on what you already have from God.

But remember that anything you take outside of God’s will eventually turns to ashes.

Most of your desires are normal, legitimate things that in good time God will provide in your life. But there’s a catch.

If you want the desires of your heart, in a lasting way, you must wait, do your part, and trust God with every aspect of your life. And accept that many times the answer to a prayer is not what you had in mind.

James says your fights and quarrels come out of wanting something and not getting it. He adds, “You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures” (4: 2 – 3).

God will not leave you in your self-pity and guilt. He draws you toward higher standards and does not indulge your every desire immediately because he wants to shape your character. You may feel like a horrible failure at times. Seek God’s mercy and grace.


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Carla G. Harper - Author, Publisher, Speaker