The most coveted place to be as a woman is comfortable in your own skin. For the Christian, this means believing with every fiber of your being that God sovereignly controls every last detail of your circumstances.

Because most of us only believe abstractly that God works all things together for the good of those who love him (Romans 8:28), we get stuck on one end or the other of an awful continuum. We are either arrogant and struck on ourselves or secretly self-loathing followers of those on the opposite end. Both are destructive of your spirit and prevent enjoying meaningful relationships.

Yes, God is in control, but you get to decide whether to accept how he’s crafted your temperament, body, life position, and everything else. What ever it is about you and your life that is completely not of your own doing, he’s done it for a reason. You may never fully understand the reasons. It does not matter.

Practice being at peace with who you are and at stopping the inner voice that condemns you and judges or envies others. Become completely agnostic about what others have. Instead, place your time and energy into practicing kindness, joy, and whatever skill you find your heart desiring (art, music, building, writing, teaching, serving, etc.).

When do you feel most self-conscious? When do you feel most comfortable in your own skin?

Carla G. Harper - Author, Publisher, Speaker