Don’t chase the Devil. He’ll lead you into a hole every time, and God will never follow you into one of those holes. He might pull you out eventually, but he’ll never follow you.

You chase the Devil when you seek revenge, your glory, to avoid pain or doing the hard things in life.

The Devil will play all sides to get you to chase after him instead of God. He’ll point out how you’ve been wronged, or he’ll tell you how hard it’s going to be if you lose what makes you feel comfortable or important.

Whatever you are facing or going through, God has allowed it. He’s not going to leave you in that place forever but will watch to see how you act, who you’ll follow.

When you chase after the Devil, you lose every time because either you get where he’s leading and you must give up your integrity to stay there, or your conscience won’t allow you to do what it takes.

“What about right and wrong and what they did,” you say.

Civil society has ordained authority to deal with wrong doers – police, judges/courts, military, bosses, etc.

Unless you are in an ordained position of authority, it is not your job to “get them back” or “teach them a lesson.” You may decide that getting police, attorneys, and/or the courts involved is what God is leading you to do. But God will never lead you to go and dole out the punishment.

He is your vindicator. His justice will always be complete and appropriate but in his timing, not yours.

Carla G. Harper - Author, Publisher, Speaker