What is Wisdom – Proverbs 8

What is Wisdom – Proverbs 8

Wisdom encompasses the ways God designed for people to live. The Bible is full of references to wisdom (219, according to Bible Gateway) as well as contrasts between the wise and foolish person. In Proverbs 8, wisdom is said to dwell with prudence and possess...
How God works in the world – Esther 4:14

How God works in the world – Esther 4:14

Esther became queen to the Persian king Xerxes, even though she was an orphaned Jew. She played a key role in saving the Jewish people within the vast Persian empire (modern day Middle East, mainland Europe, and over to India). Her story illustrates how God works in...
Truth is Costly – Matthew 10: 26 – 39

Truth is Costly – Matthew 10: 26 – 39

Truth convicts people. Truth confronts prejudice, manipulation, hateful words, lies, stealing, immorality. Truth calls people to action. They will either listen or they will reject it and remove the messenger.  Jesus warned his disciples that following his teachings...
Poems for Dad

Poems for Dad

It’s been one month today since my dad’s departure. I’m still unable to write what I want to write about him. So, here’s a few poems. He was a pilot from 1961 till the day he left earth. His Cessna 180 meant a lot to him. The Bombers Whenever I...
How does Love Conquer All?

How does Love Conquer All?

Love conquers all when we activate it. The love of God is all around us. His love is always available. Love cancels out fear, dispels darkness, binds up wounds, breaks chains. Love is what we all crave, even though we can go about seeking it in odd ways at times....
Carla G. Harper - Author, Publisher, Speaker