Tested Faith	Genesis 22: 1 -14

Tested Faith Genesis 22: 1 -14

Faith can be summed up as dependence on the Holy Spirit for guidance in all things and a trust that God will answer all prayers in due time. The story of Abraham’s reaction to God’s request that he sacrifice his only son Isaac illustrates raw faith. God made a...
Will you finish strong? 	2 Timothy 4: 7 – 8

Will you finish strong? 2 Timothy 4: 7 – 8

“Begin with the end in mind” is Stephen Covey’s advise for people who want to be effective. To begin with the end means to think carefully about what your final product or outcome will look like, whether in a class, job, sport, or life itself. A good life rarely...
Truth is Costly		Matthew 10: 26 – 39

Truth is Costly Matthew 10: 26 – 39

Truth convicts people. Truth confronts prejudice, manipulation, hateful words, lies, stealing, immorality. Truth calls people to action. They will either listen or they will reject it and remove the messenger. Jesus warned his disciples that following his teachings...
You Can Choose Freedom or Slavery

You Can Choose Freedom or Slavery

The defining question of this time in history and for your life is this: Will you choose freedom or give in to slavery? Freedom is costly, not just for you but for many you’ll never know. Slavery is cheap. It is the path of least resistance. It does not take a literal...
Introducing Worthy

Introducing Worthy

I met Worthy in my mind in 2004. My daughter was four. I had a great career but a tough marriage. My Southern roots were tugging at my soul. I’d been wandering for nearly fifteen years. It was not until 2007 that Worthy would actually take on enough of a personality...
Carla G. Harper - Author, Publisher, Speaker